What's So Great About Christianity?

Dinesh D'Souza

Ch 25: Jesus Among Other Gods: The Uniqueness of Christianity

Many people think all religions are the same (pluralists and atheists), but actually religions are similar in some ways (they seek to answer many of the same questions) but very different in other ways (their answers to these questions are very different). Christianity is unique in its view that God takes the initiative to bridge the gap between God and human beins (incarnation). The work of Christ is GodÕs answer (1) to our lack of knowledge concerning GodÕs nature and purpose and (2) to our moral rebellion that has separated us from God. Only pride stands in the way of atheistÕs or anyoneÕs reconciliation with God.

p283 Shakespeare quote

Reading Reference
FaithpathR Nave
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What's So Great About Christianity?

Dinesh D'Souza

Ch 26: A Foretaste of Eternity: How Christianity Can Change Your Life

DÕSouza encourages the reader to embrace not only the teachings but also the person of Jesus. He says Jesus Christ Òis the only person in history who has defined a whole religion around his personÓ The teachings of Christ are uniquely significant because of who he is and what he accomplished. ChristianityÕs central claims about the nature of reality are supported by modern science and modern scholarship, so there are good intellectural reasons to embrace the Christian faith. Practically speaking, the Christian view provides meaning, purpose, relationship, and hope for the future.

p295 the unmistakeable voice of Christ

Reading Reference
FaithpathR Nave
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