Bent Tree Picnic for Iglesia de Mableton
July 23, 2016
We left from Iglesia de Mableton with about six cars and traveled to Bent Tree for a picnic and cookout, making our traditional stop at the Ingles in Jasper for more food. We made it to Bent Tree about 10am. Lake Tamarack was pleasant and there was a flock of Canadian geese peacefully swimming along the lake by the beach.
Diego and Angel started firing up the grills and a number of the ladies started preparing food. The children headed for the lake and las muchachas took their little dog for a walk on the beach. Brenda and I enjoyed visiting with Diana and Tony Martinez and their daughter Danielle, whom we had not seen for a while. Tony is working in construction in Houston at present, and had made the trip home. Diana is an ESL teacher at Bryant Elementary School and a good friend of Jo Templeton, who was the school nurse there.
 | Anthony and Natalie Aguilar enjoy playing in the sand at water's edge while others play in the lake. One gets a blanket of sand.  |
We had seen an ambulance pass the beach area soon after we arrived, and it returned to park beside the grassy area. About 11am our fire service arrived and told us there had been an injury in an accident up the road and that helicopter transportation had been called in. We watched for the helicopter and it touched down about 11:20.
The helicopter crew brought over a stretcher and it was placed on a rolling cart to transport the patient to the waiting helicopter. |  |
 | The accident victim was transported to the helicopter. |
The patient was quickly transferred to the helicopter. |  |
 | The AirLife air ambulance lifted off at 11:33 after about 13 minutes on the ground. |
The helicopter rose smoothly off the grassy area to the treetops. I was shooting at 1/2000 sec shutter speed, but was surprised that this would stop the prop.
The air ambulance lifted rapidly and was gone. Our well-wishes to the accident victim. It looked like he was in good hands.
 | We were glad they accomplished the helicopter rescue when they did, because 45 min later there came an intense downpour that lasted for about 45 minutes. We were grateful for the shelter of the pavilion. |
With rain like this, we were able to give shelter to some others who had come down to the beach. The Hispanic ladies were good neighbors and even fed them. |  |
 | I liked the lush green of the leaves in the downpour. |
They had gotten the major part of the cooking done before the deluge, but kept on cooking with creative protectors to keep the coals burning. |  |
 | Brenda enjoys fellowship with Grace Lopez, Danielle, Tony and Diana Martinez. |
Sandra Aguilar cares for little Valerie in the carriage plus Natalie and Anthony. They had enjoyed the beach. |  |
 | Even with the pouring rain, the lake was peaceful. |
The charcoal grills were not under the shelter, so it took some ingenuity to protect the coals and continue cooking. Fortunately, they had done most of the meat cooking before the downpour. |  |
 | Finally the rain stopped and we enjoyed the clean air and vibrant colors of the leaves. |
With the rain stopped, the kids headed back for the lake. |  |
The kids enjoyed the big sand pile, and I'm sure the parents were appreciative that they could go right back in the lake and wash it off.
 | This young trio of Natalie,?, and Anthony enjoyed playing together. |
The rain cooled things off and made for a time of relaxed conversation. Brenda, Grace Lopez, ?, Natalie and Valerie with Sandra Aguilar. |  |
Little Valerie was inclined to stick close to Mama, but she finally let Brenda hold her.
With an air ambulance rescue and an intense thundershower, this was not the most ordinary of days, but hopefully it was a pleasant day for the folks from Iglesia de Mableton and friends.
2016 |