Ashleigh visits animal farm

October 14, 2020

We continually pray for Ashleigh as she is dealing with the incredible intensity of the first year of LSU Medical School, so we were pleased that she got to take a little break to visit this animal farm.

It was amusing to think of the strong contrast with medical school that she was able to visit the relaxing atmosphere of this farm environment and to hold a baby sloth!

Just cool it on the weekend and adopt the relaxed pace of a baby sloth!

OK, relax with a sloth and then hop around with a young kangaroo. With this visit, Ashleigh just gave us too many openings for bad jokes - like "Medical School really keeps you hopping, so you might as well keep up the hopping on the weekend!". Anyway, it was a comfort to us to see that she had at least some short breaks from intense studying.

Beginning of Awana for Fall

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