March Flowers
March 19, 2003
Spring is Coming!
Each day we see new buds and new growth. These tiny blue flowers are from bulbs we planted in the fall, not knowing what to expect from the flowers. They were a nice surprise.
Above left is from the redbud tree in Mark's back yard. At right above are blossoms from the quince bush at the end of our house.
Characteristically Quince
The rains of the past two days have left everything lush and dripping with water. |
I always like seeing the dogwoods bud out and begin to form their flowers. The flowers are small and green at first, then gradually whiten to their mature state.
Our yard is quite a contrast to the yard of Philippe and Vicki in Littleton, Colorado, shown below. Photo taken on same day as the photos above. We remembered the little windmill from our visit to their house, but it looked quite different then.
2003 |