Enjoying the Birds from Our Breakfast Table
April, May 2016
 | On April 25 in mid afternoon, we saw this bluebird land above the box we had put on this oak tree right outside our breakfast room about two years ago. Soon the lady arrived and they inspected the box. It was a brief visit, but enough to get our hopes up. |
On April 26 at lunch time we watched the titmice come to our window feeder for peanuts. |  |
 | We see grosbeaks only rarely, but at lunchtime on April 27 we got a visit from this shy little lady grosbeak. I had seen the male with his brilliant red necktie a few days ago but didn't get a picture. |
We thought we had failed to satisfy the bluebird housing inspection committee, but on April 29 the male bluebird returned and spent a lot of time sternly surveying the territory. He was sitting about 15ft from the nest box.
On April 30 the male bluebird was back on his station and even went down to sit on the box. The female went inside, and about this time we saw the male carry some nest material in.  |  |
We have enjoyed a large and active group of cardinals this spring. They are some of the earliest feeders and are still hanging around at dark. Since they travel frequently back and forth from the backyard feeders to the side yard, we get to watch them often in the trees between.
2016 |