Mableton First Baptist Church1999Summer Day Camp enrollment in 1999 was 143. During the first part of 1999, the Pastor and the Board of Deacons were considering a partnership with an Assisted Living facility in the area, to be voted on in early 2000 by the church body. In January, the Deacons served The Lord's Supper to all the shut-in members of the church. On February 14, 1999, the Personnel Committee recommended that we call Mike Anderson as Associate Pastor for Music and Worship. As Mike joined our family, the Music Program was healthy and active. The Celebration Choir (Sanctuary Choir) averaged 34 each week, The Lighthouse (Youth Choir) averaged 19, the Sonlight Singers (Children's Choir), averaged 24, the Preschool Choir averaged 12, and the Joyful Aires (Senior Adult Choir) averaged 10. On February 21, 1999, the Personnel Committee recommended that we call Clay Willis as Associate Pastor for Students (all ages - children, youth, and college). Clay immediately jumped in, evaluating, and then implementing, exciting opportunities for worship and fellowship for this population of our church. At the end of his first month of service, the Wednesday night youth attendance averaged 21. On April 25, 1999, the church took up a special offering to cover the costs of paving the upper parking lot. $17,000 was needed to accomplish this. On May 26, 1999, the church purchased a Roland XP-80 Synthesizer as a portable instrument to be used in worship settings and as part of a future church orchestra. The cost was not to exceed $4,000. On Jun 20, 1999, Richard Harden resigned his position assisting the church with security. Melvin Bostic was hired as his replacement. Melvin began unlocking and locking the doors, effective June 21, 1999. As time went on, the infusion of Mike Anderson's enthusiasm and new ideas made the music program thrive. A program called the "Summer Singers" was introduced, inviting members to join the Celebration Choir with a commitment for the summer months only. A musical would be presented at the end of the summer. As a result, the Celebration Choir enrollment increased by 63%, from 39 to 64 members. Also, Praise Teams were added to worship. These teams of 3-5 singers per team lead the congregation in music, along with Mike. It was expected that this concept would help the congregation learn new songs easier and more quickly than before. In September of 1999, the Children's Ministry began having KIDZONE - an opportunity to encourage growth in Sunday School, and an opportunity for children to bring friends to hear the gospel - one Sunday per month during Sunday School time. Songs, skits and a children's message in a large group were the activities during this dynamic time together. In October of 1999, the Finance Committee moved that we partner with INJOY Stewardship Services for a 3-year stewardship and ministry emphasis. The goal was to retire the building and property indebtedness and to fund other ministry projects totaling 1.2 million dollars. The fee to the church for this service would be $4,100. The motion was carried. During the 3rd quarter of the church year, we had to repair the white bus at a cost of $3,200. In December, the church sponsored 54 children for Operation Christmas Child. Shoe boxes filled with small toys, school supplies, hygiene items, etc. were sent to needy children across the world through the Samaritan's Purse organization. This practice continued for many years at our church. On December 2, 1999, the middle and high school students began meeting for their own separate worship service on Sunday nights. The attendance averaged 20 for the initial start-up of this service. Forming a youth praise band for this service was in the plan for the future. The monthly average receipts for 1999 were $48,933.24 The average monthly Sunday School attendance was 249. The church voted on and approved, in principle, the building of an assisted living facility and authorized the staff and trustees to further investigate the details of the agreement, enlisting the help of legal and health-care professionals, as needed. The church wanted to be assured that this ministry did not put the finances or other ministries of First Baptist Mableton in jeopardy.
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