Atlanta Zoo
Monday, July 16, 2012
We had explored Georgia State University and Underground Atlanta and had had a relaxing lunch at the Peachtree Plaza, but now our time was running short to get to the Atlanta Zoo. Besides that, the weather was threatening, but we decided to go anyway. As we entered the gate, these flamingos greeted us.
I don't usually think of African elephants as being red, but this one was from rolling on Georgia red clay. |
This healthy-looking rhinoceros was in the compound with the giraffes and zebras, but was far at the end of the compound and was very active in pacing around. Maybe it was close to supper time. He had obviously spent some time wallowing in the Georgia red clay of the compound. |
There were several giraffes, a zebra, three ostriches, and a rhinoceros in a big compound. Mary poses with a nice brass sculpture of a young giraffe.
I was much more keen on having pictures of the ladies than myself, but if I was going to have a portrait made with any of their brass sculptured animals, this seemed like the appropriate one. |
One of our treats was getting to see three fine tigers. From their movements and playfulness, we were guessing that they were young ones. We first saw them through the trees down by a stream, and one was wading in the edge of the stream. Then the three of them moved up near the building from which we were watching and to the door into their inside quarters. I guessed that this time near closing was when they were normally taken back inside. After nosing at the doorway they started just playing around, wrestling with each other.
We had passed this group of flamingos as we entered the zoo, so we knew we would pass them as we approached the exit. As we hastened toward the exit in the pouring rain, we were saying "Run until you see the drowned flamingos!" They weren't quite drowned, but they mostly had their heads down and eyes closed in the pouring rain.
2012 |