On the East Rim Drive, Grand Canyon

We had made it a practice for three days to drive out on the East Rim Drive to about here to have our breakfast. This morning was our last morning to do so as we headed out for the 200 mile loop around to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Brenda, Jeff and Mark have a nice viewpoint out on a big rock overlooking the eastern part of the Canyon. August 8, 1982.

How's This for a Breakfast Spot?!

Brenda and Rod enjoy their second cup of coffee while the boys explore. August 8, 1982.

This was taken on the second turnout on the East Rim Drive August 8, 1982.

Rod on East Rim Drive, Grand Canyon

Brenda on East Rim, Grand Canyon

This was taken on the second turnout on the East Rim Drive August 8, 1982.

Mark at Moran Point on the East Rim

Mark has a look at the Colorado River snaking through the Grand Canyon along the East Rim Drive. This is at Moran Point. We are headed out for the 200 mile loop around to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. August 8, 1982.

Watchman's Point on the East Rim

This is a look at the Colorado River snaking through the Grand Canyon along the East Rim Drive. This is at Watchman's Point at Desert View. This is a rather high veiwpoint at 7438 feet altitude. We are headed out for the 200 mile loop around to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.August 8, 1982.

Bend of the Colorado River at Lupan Point

The Colorado River makes a lazy S-bend as seen from Lupan Point on the East Rim Diver. We are headed out for the 200 mile loop around to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. August 8, 1982.
On to Indian territory
Marble Canyon road
Back to Hopi viewpoint
On to Indian territory

Trip Day 8
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