Marjorie with her girls


Marjorie Duncan poses with her girls on their red International truck. Marjorie is holding Sherry with Bonnie beside her on the truck. Brenda is on the ground.

Bonnie, Rolaine, Sherry and Lynne, Easter 1950, You can see that Lynne has a little Easter basket.

Picture of Granny Lelia Duncan and Granddad James Freeman Duncan which Brenda guesses to be about 1950. The judgment of date is colored by the judgment that this is during the second time they lived in Uncle Grady Duncan's house on River Road. Between the two times they lived there, they lived in a tent close by. Aunt Dorothy remembers them enjoying the tent because they could raise the flaps on summer nights and stay cooler. The floor of the tent was built about waist high because they were close to the creek, but the flaps went below that when they were closed so than nothing could get in. Brenda remembers visiting them at the tent to watch Granddad shave with a straight razor. She pegs the time with a remembrance of a time when Bonnie threw a bottle toward her and she jumped up only to come back down on the broken bottle and severely cut her foot.

Brenda family history

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