Hobsons in Paraguay

After serving their first term as missionaries in Colombia and returning for a year's furlough, Charles and Wanda were asked to accept assignment in Paraguay. This was partly due to a desperate need for teachers in Paraguay. Charles taught in a Bible college and Wanda taught 5th and 6th grades together in the public schools. They went to Paraguay in the summer of 1969.

At Misio'n Bautista in Paraguay. Wanda and Stephen are near the left end on the front row.

Charles with a baptismal service in a river. Wanda recalls that these girls walked for about three hours in from the countryside to attend church on Sunday. They napped at the church in the afternoon, attended the evening service and then walked home. The grandfather of one of them was a believer and had prayed for a missionary for forty years. He was overjoyed when Charles and Wanda came into the area.

Bob is in this photo.

Stephen is in the middle of this group of boys.

Charles did a lot of baptisms in rivers.

Charles and a young family doing a baby dedication.

From wide rivers to small creeks, baptisms show a lot of new life.

Charles and family made multiple trips to the incomparable Iguazu' with the roar of its multiple cascades. Charles says the area was sometimes covered with hundreds of monarch butterflies, and that wild orchids were abundant.

Iguazu' is about at the junction of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina. The main cascades are actually in Brazil.

Close up to the falls, there are recognizable silhouettes of Mary, Becky, Bob .. and perhaps that is Danny.


As a part of his work in Paraguay, Charles and a couple of other men went to a church across the Parana River, far up into the country over dirt roads. While there it began raining and the roads were impassable. They went further North and had a hair-raising trip by ferry across the rain-swollen Parana, losing one car off the ferry on the passage. This strategy was to get them across the Parana into Brazil where they had all-weather roads, but it took them all day and night and part of the next day to drive the over 300 mile trip back to Ascuncion, Paraguay.

Charles and family served in Paraguay from the summer of 1969 until their next furlough in 1973.

Hobson family portraitHobsons to Argentina

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