| (K,Ba)Al(Si,Al)3O8
Hyalophane is silicate mineral which contains barium and has the composition (K,Ba)Al(Si,Al)3O8. The sample at left is about 12x8 cm and is from Bustovata, Bosnia and Herzegovina. These samples are displayed in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.
This sample is from Lagenbach quarry, Imfeld, Binnatal, Valais, Switzerland and is about 5 x 8 cm. .
Mindat: Hyalophane
 Labradorite exhibits a wide range of gem colors as shown in this display at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. The larger gem is 3.2 carats and the collection of smaller gems are 1.7 carat. They are from Oregon.
Mindat: Labradorite
Labradorite is a silicate of composition (Ca,Na)(Si,Al)4O8. The gems at left are of sizes 7.7, 5.3, and 4.1 carats. Their origin is Oregon.
| NaAlSi3O8 Albite is silicate of composition NaAlSi3O8. The sample at left is about 5x9 cm and is from Valais, Switzerland. The sample at right is about 7x7 cm and is from Fiesch, Boms,Valais, Switzerland.
Mindat: Albite

Margarite is a silicate of composition CaAl2(Si2,Al2)O10(OH)2. This sample is about 12x14 cm and is from Chester, Massachusetts.
Mindat: Margarite
Penninite is a silicate of composition (Mg,Fe)3Al(Si3,Al)O10(OH)8. This sample is about 4x6 cm and is from Valais, Switzerland.
Antigorite is a silicate of composition (Mg,Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4. This sample is about 8x15 cm and is from Montville, New Jersey.
Mindat: Antigorite
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