Hund's Rules
Note: Some references, such as Haken & Wolf, use Hund's Rule #1 to apply to the nature of full shells and subshells. Full shells and subshells contribute nothing to the total angular momenta L and S. If you call this Hund'e Rule #1, then the above rules will be bumped up one in number. I don't know which is the more common practice.
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Hund's Rule #1The term with the maximum multiplicity lies lowest in energy.
The explanation of the rule lies in the effects of the spin-spin interaction. Though often called by the name spin-spin interaction, the origin of the energy difference is in the coulomb repulsion of the electrons. It's just that a symmetric spin state forces an antisymmetric spatial state where the electrons are on average further apart and provide less shielding for each other, yielding a lower energy. The sketches below attempt to visualize why that is so. ![]() ![]() These sketches are conceptual only. No attempt has been made to do any realistic scaling. Note that the energies we are discussing here are electric potential energies, so that a negative electron in the vicinity of a positive nucleus will have a negative energy leading to a bound state. Any force between the electrons will tend to counter that, contributing a positive potential energy which makes the electrons less tightly bound, or higher in potential energy.
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Hund's Rule #2For a given multiplicity, the term with the largest value of L lies lowest in energy. Example: In the configuration p2 we expect the order 3P < 1D < 1S). The basis for this rule is essentially that if the electrons are orbiting in the same direction (and so have a large total angular momentum) they meet less often than when they orbit in opposite directions. Hence their repulsion is less on average when L is large. These influences on the atomic electron energy levels is sometimes called the orbit-orbit interaction. The origin of the energy difference lies with differences in the coulomb repulsive energies between the electrons. ![]()
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Hund's Rule #3For atoms with less than half-filled shells, the level with the lowest value of J lies lowest in energy. Example: Since p2 is less than half-filled, the three levels of 3P are expected to lie in the order 3P0 < 3P1 < 3P2 . When the shell is more than half full, the opposite rule holds (highest J lies lowest). The basis for the rule is the spin-orbit coupling. The scalar product S·L is negative if the spin and orbital angular momentum are in opposite directions. Since the coefficient of S·L is positive, lower J is lower in energy.
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Exceptions to Hund's RulesHund's rules presume L-S coupling and presume that the electrons can be considered to be in a unique configuration. Neither is always true. For heavier elements, the "j-j coupling" scheme often gives better agreement with experiment.
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