Chapter 8: Rotational Motion

What quantities are used to describe rotational motion and what are the analogous quantities for linear motion?

What other parallels are there between linear and rotational relationships?

What is rotational inertia and how is it calculated?

How does the rotational inertia of a point mass depend upon its distance from the axis?

Describe the rotational inertia of a rod, a hoop, a cylinder, and a sphere.

What is torque? How can you increase the torque on a wrench to turn a stubborn bolt?

What is required for equilibrium of a large object?

Why do you pick up a long board at it's center? Why is it difficult to lift it by one end alone?

Why does a skater spin faster if they pull their legs and arms in?

What is the difference between centrifugal force and centripetal force? Which can you measure with a scale?

*Circular motion

*Basic rotational quantities

*Linear and angular quantities

*Rotational Inertia

*Radius dependence

*Standard geometries



*Force combination

*Lifting example

*Conservation of angular momentum

*Centripetal force

*Centrifugal force

*Coriolis force

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Chapter 9: Rotational Dynamics

Rolling is combined rotation and translation. How is it described mathematically?

What is the expression for kinetic energy for a rolling object?

How is torque expressed as a vector? How do you get the direction?

What is angular momentum? How does conservation of angular momentum apply to a rotating system?

If you sit on a stool which can rotate and hold a wheel which is rotating, you can cause yourself and the stool to rotate by turning the wheel over. Explain.

What is torque? How can you increase the torque on a wrench to turn a stubborn bolt?

What is required for equilibrium of a large object?

Why do you pick up a long board at it's center? Why is it difficult to lift it by one end alone?

Why does a skater spin faster if they pull their legs and arms in?

What is the difference between centrifugal force and centripetal force? Which can you measure with a scale?

What is "Newton's second law for rotation"?

How is the parallel axis theorem useful?

*Translation and rotation

*Rotational kinetic energy


*Torque vector


*Force combination

*Lifting example

*Conservation of angular momentum

*Rotating stool

*Newton's 2nd law for rotation

*Parallel axis theorem

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