NPN Common Collector Amplifier

Common Emitter
Common Collector
Common Base

The common collector amplifier, often called an emitter follower since its output is taken from the emitter resistor, is useful as an impedance matching device since its input impedance is much higher than its output impedance. It is also termed a "buffer" for this reason and is used in digital circuits with basic gates.

Emitter Follower Discussioin
Practical Common Collector

Electronics concepts
HyperPhysics*****Electricity and magnetismR Nave
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Emitter Follower Discussion

The common collector junction transistor amplifier is commonly called an emitter follower. The voltage gain of an emitter follower is just a little less than one since the emitter voltage is constrained at the diode drop of about 0.6 volts below the base . Its function is not voltage gain but current or power gain and impedance matching. It's input impedance is much higher than its output impedance so that a signal source does not have to work so hard. This can be seen from the fact that the base current in on the order of 100 times less that the emitter current. The low output impedance of the emitter follower matches a low impedance load and buffers the signal source from that low impedance.

Junction Transistor AmplifiersEmitter Follower Applications
Feedback in the Emitter Follower

Electronics concepts
HyperPhysics*****Electricity and magnetismR Nave
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NPN Common Collector Amplifier

Junction Transistor Amplifiers

Electronics concepts
HyperPhysics*****Electricity and magnetismR Nave
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NPN Common Collector Design

Junction Transistor Amplifiers

Electronics concepts
HyperPhysics*****Electricity and magnetismR Nave
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NPN Common Collector Design

Junction Transistor Amplifiers

Electronics concepts
HyperPhysics*****Electricity and magnetismR Nave
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