Rhodochrosite is MnCO3, a carbonate mineral of manganese. This sample is about 7x7 cm and is from Sweet Home mine, Alma, Colorado. All these specimens are displayed in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.
Rhodochrosite is a member of the calcite group of carbonates along with Smithsonite and siderite.
The left gem above is 11.2 carats and is from Catamara, Argentina. The gem at right above is 27.8 carats and is from Sweet Home mine, Alma, Colorado.
This large rhodochrosite formation is from Catamarca, Argentina. It measures about 25x60 cm!
Rhodochrosite crystals can have great beauty, but they are relatively soft and brittle and don't serve well in everyday use as gems.The gem at right is 15.2 carats and is from N'Chwaning mine, Hotazel, Cape Province, South Africa. |
The gems at left are 20.8 and 13.3 carats. Those at right are 27.8 and 21.3 carats and all are from Hotazel, Cape Province, South Africa. |
 | The sample at left is about 8x8 cm and is from Silverton, Colorado.
The sample above is about 5x5 cm and is from Hotazel, Cape Province, South Africa. |
 This sample is about 7x6 cm in size and is from N'Chwaning mine, Hotazel, Cape Province, South Africa.
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