On the Way to Bethany Beach

July 2, 2021

We were pleased to get to visit with Jeff and the girls for the evening on their way to the Moyle family gathering in Bethany Beach, Delaware. They arrived at about 8:30pm so we had some time for family fellowship. Darla had accompanied Judy on her flight to Delaware.

It was good to see the girls enjoying casual time together. Ashleigh is in her second year of Medical School at LSU, Jordan is busy working with a lady who does house renovations plus a couple of more jobs, and Elyse is approaching her junior year in high school, so they don't get as much time together as in the past.

Even at nearly 9pm there was enough light for them to enjoy sitting in the back yard on a blanket.

Jeff and Leslie Moyle with Bethany and Lindsey came in late to spend the night, and they all headed out northward the next morning.

They were all up early in the morning and getting ready to launch to Delaware. Ashleigh, Elyse, Bethany Moyle, Jordan, Lindsey Moyle.

Everyone was up and grabbed a quick snack, and then both vehicles were off at about 5:30am!

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