Brenda to New Orleans,
Baby Dedication for Jordan

January 28-30, 2000

Rod took Brenda to the airport early Friday morning with another ice storm pending. When he got to Georgia State Univ for his early lab, he found that the University was closed, so went back to the airport to have coffee with Brenda. Her early flight had been canceled, but she got out on a 10:30 am flight. It was worth it all to see Ashleigh and Jordan. Ashleigh could now say just about anything she heard, and Jordan could now sit up unassisted. These were both changes since we saw them at Christmas

Ashleigh is now 22 months old and Jordan is 5 1/2 months old.

Brenda enjoyed a couple of days with Jeff and Darla and the girls. Darla had just been back to school a week and they were still making the adjustments to a new schedule.

Ashleigh is an early riser, like her Grandma. Jeff would fix Ashleigh a scrambled egg and she would have egg and banana for breakfast. Brenda enjoyed the breakfast and early morning time with her.

Morning play time with Ashleigh and her animals on the couch. Ashleigh enjoyed clomping around in Grandma Brenda's shoes.

Jordan's Baby Dedication was at the Williams Boulevard Baptist Church. Grandma Brenda was there with Grandparents Judy and Dave Moyle and Aunt Diane.

Jordan is still a happy baby. She can now sit up for a long time and just play. Jeff is back into the routine of taking the girls to day care on the Seminary campus after Darla leaves for school.

Brenda with Ashleigh and an appropriate toy - a plastic stethescope.

Brenda very much enjoyed this brief visit to New Orleans to be with Jeff and Darla and Ashleigh and Jordan.

Getting the girls geared up for a roadtrip.

Jeff and family visit

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