Welcoming Pastor Stephen Byrd to Mableton First Baptist
June 21-22 , 2008
We had a Saturday evening social to welcome new pastor Stephen Byrd and his family. Stephen makes comments to the group, flanked by the Pastor Search Committee members. Wendy Bartlett, Ruth Floyd, Wayne Templeton, Janet Vineyard , and Max Hardie (Chair of committee). Mike Anderson on the right. Jennifer Byrd brings up infant Hadden, whose birth we had waited on to be able to schedule this celebration.
Stephen and Jennifer Byrd with Hadden.
 | Mike with welcoming comments to Stephen and Jennifer. |
We had one of our wonderful Mableton First Baptist potlucks, organized by Shirley Pattison. That ought to make anyone feel welcome! Included here are Vicki Baker, Harold Dunn, Frankie Olds.
In line for the potluck are Betty and Tip Curvin, Ray Skibba, Vicki and Joe Baker, Jo Templeton, Kevin Bartlett, Wayne Templeton, Gayle and Neal Hunter, Nan LaFlash, Brett Graham.
 | It was a great opportunity for fellowship. In foreground Pat Peal, Rhonda and Andrew Short, Grayson and Kevin Bartlett. In background Joe Baker, McInturff, |
It was also a great time to meet the latest members of our church families. Here Billy Ridgway holds their latest granddaughter Mallory. |  |
 | This was also our time to meet Aubry and Abigail Byrd. Janet Vineyard stayed close to them with Jennifer to help them feel comfortable. |
Aubry, Abigail and Jennifer. It had to be a bit bewildering to the girls to meet so many new people. |  |
Sunday, June 22 , 2008
 | Mike and the choir lead the congregation in worship as we anticipate our first worship service with our new pastor. |
Pastor Stephen Byrd and Jennifer meet the congregation. |  |
 | Max Hardie, Chair of the Pastor Search Committee, proudly presents Stephen and Jennifer to the congregation. |
Max tells of the Committee's process of getting to know Stephen and presented the formal motion to call him as Pastor. |  |
 | We finally give the pulpit to Pastor Stephen. |
The congregation celebrates with Stephen and Jennifer. |  |
Jennifer with the Pastor Search Committee: Janet Vineyard, Ruth Floyd, Wendy Bartlett, Wayne Templeton and Max Hardie.
 | We did let Stephen preach! And afterward we had a happy time of greeting. Brenda Nave greets Stephen. |
Mary Hughes greets Stephen and Jennifer. In background are Robert Childress, Neal Hunter, Teresa Golden, Gayle Hunter, Patti Burkhardt, Julie McInturff |  |
 | Stephen and Jennifer greet James Young, Robert Childress, Julie and Jim McInturff. |
Greetings from Johnny and Carol Huffman, Robert Childress. |  |
 | Greeings from Richard Peal and David Moore. |
Greetings from David and Derinda Moore |  |
 | Greeings from Esther and Fallah McLean. |
Greetings from Jon and Elise Rowland |  |
Janet Vineyard helps to make Aubry and Abigail Byrd feel welcome and comfortable.
With a photograph of the Byrd family by the church sign, we draw to a close the first service with Pastor Stephen Byrd.
2008 |