Easter Sunday

April 24, 2011

"Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime." Martin Luther

He has also written it in the eyes of our children and in the exuberance and promise of young life. Praise the Lord!

It is always a joy for me to go around to the children's Sunday School classes on Easter Sunday morning just to see the joy of the children. Here Brodie Short, Victoria Gomez, and Hadden Byrd are enjoying the morning.

Another celebration of new life was the baptism of eleven young people in our morning service! Above, Sofia and her brother Noe Lara showed the joy of the occasion in unmistable ways. Also Morgan Johnson (right) and her whole family rejoiced in her baptism.

Three members of the same family were baptized: Katie Jones above and her brothers Will and Josh.

Our praise team led by Mike Anderson, with Rhonda Short, Bud Durand and Kim Smith

The choir with Belinda Baker accompanying on guitar. Gail Morris accompanies on piano and Sandy Gilbert on keyboard.

Our practice is to give a gift of a Bible to each person who is baptized, so this morning with eleven persons, we had a whole stack of Bibles!

Mother's Day

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