Elyse's Classroom Awards
May 12, 2016
Elyse with several of her 5th grade classmates at Riverside Elementary School at the end of their classroom award ceremony. Brenda and Rod, Mark and Cindy went to the school to celebrate with them.
 Brenda and Rod, Mark and Cindy went to Riverside School to see the award ceremony. We signed in at the school and were directed down a long hall to Elyse's classroom. |  |
 | We and about a dozen other family members of students reached Elyse's classroom. She was excited to see us, particularly since Uncle Mark was with us. |
First were some school awards, and another teacher came in to present them. Elyse's first award was for the 5th grade chorus. |  |
Elyse's next award was for the Elementary Honor Chorus. We remembered that she had to audition for it some time ago.
 | Next came a set of creative awards presented by the students of the class by vote to members of the class. Elyse was voted the most likely to win an Oscar. Perhaps they saw her role as Echo or more recently the Lion. |
Next were more school awards including a violin achievement award, and then a certificate of excellence in Physical Education along with a first place ribbon for having won the school's half mile race.
 |  Elyse received a red Riverside T-shirt as the top award for the Fitness Team. Probably winning first place in the half-mile run influenced her getting the top award. |
At the end of the student awards, the students had done an impressive job of putting together a tribute to their teacher, Mrs. Milton. I was much impressed with the maturity and manners of the students in the class.  |  |
We had already heard a lot of good things about Mrs. Milton. Her daughter Kylea is one of Jordan's best friends and went with us to our high tea last summer in honor of Jordan's birthday. We heard the comments that Kylea's Mother was Elyse's teacher and that she was very pleased about that.
 | A proud Grandma Brenda with Elyse as we got to stay around and celebrate with her a little while after the awards. |
She also got to celebrate a little with Uncle Mark. |  |
 | Elyse was happy to have Uncle Mark here and Cindi Jordan enjoyed the award celebration with us. |
 | Uncle Mark even managed to pry Granddad Rod out from behind the camera for a picture with Elyse. |
Elyse with two classmates. Even in the celebration after the awards we had to be impressed with the manners and behavior of the students. |  |
 | Elyse and friend Marissa kick up their heels a bit. Seemed appropriate since they were voted by their classmates as likely to excel in some kind of performance. |
One more picture of Elyse and some of her awards before we leave her to finish out her day at school. We were pleased to get together with her and Ashleigh and Jordan for supper in the evening. |  |
2016 |