Family celebration of Jeff's birthday

May 16, 2021

We had a fine family dinner in celebration of Jeff's birthday and were sitting around letting it settle and waiting for the birthday cake to be presented. Jeff's birthday is May 8, but the celebration waited until this weekend when we were also celebrating Luke's graduation. Jeff sits with Judy Moyle, Robbie and Diane Wells, and Jeff and Leslie Moyle.
Brenda was sitting over with the youth on the couch and we were remarking about how many cellphones were in use. Luke, Elyse, Ashleigh and Jordan with Brenda.

We joke with the younger generation about how much time they spend on their cellphones, but look at their parents generation. The only one who doesn't have a cellphone at the table with them is Grammy Judy! They haven't even pounced on the birthday cake yet!

Tom, Brenda and Darla join the table group as Jeff begins to open his birthday cards.

Jeff shares one of his birthday cards with Grammy Judy. She and Brenda represent the grandparents generation. It was a pleasant time of relaxed sharing.

The younger generation watches from the living room. Jordan Nave, Caleb Wells, Luke Zell, Elyse Nave and Lindsey Moyle.

We enjoyed the relaxed family time. It was cards and conversation with the large family group together. It was a privilege to share in this family time.

Finishing up with the cards and comments. We did get around to the birthday cake and ice cream, but I got distracted from picture taking at that point.

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