Mark Builds an Observatory

February 12, 2022

After an unusually long time off work, including a trip with us to Pearl River for Christmas, Mark went back to work on a movie set as a craftsman since a foreman position was not immediately available. He was called back in as a welder, but they had six welders, so he took on a project that everyone else was reluctant to tackle.

This job involved building a large geodesic dome for a telescope set in the movie. It involve fabricating 125 large triangles of material in 25 different triangular configurations to fit into the metal framework that constituted the dome.

The job certainly looked like a measurement nightmare with all those different dimensions of triangles. That's likely why no one else had dared to take it on. But Mark made up a triangular framework as an adjustable jig which had adjustable apexes for the triangles. He could then place the jig in the metal frame where it was to fit, and adjust the apexes so that he had a template for the large triangle that he was to cut out.

Above is the telescope which has been constructed for placement in the observatory dome. Behind it are some of the large "flats" made up for scenes that are presumably just shot from one camera location.

Mark worked 22 straight days at 12 hours per day to get this observatory set ready along with the other things he did.

A video survey of the observatory is below.

Elyse marches in Pearl River Parade

Elyse marches in Pearl River Parade

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