Luke and Jordan Wedding Memories

April 28, 2023

A loving group of family and friends gathered at Joshua Tree National Park for the wedding ceremony of Luke and Jordan. After the ceremony some memorable photos of this group were made.

With Luke's parents Jenni and Brad Zell.

With Luke's parents Jenni and Brad Zell and sister Ava.

Luke with his father-in-law Jeff Nave, and the minister who performed his and Jordan's wedding ceremony. Note that both are barefoot in Joshua Tree National Park.

Luke with his three best men: Gaines Owen (with wife Sarah, close friends in New Orleans), Taylor Mapes (Luke's freshman year roommate at Loyola), Luke, Chris Hohlstein (Luke's friend from Atlanta)

Newylweds with Jordan's parents Jeff and Darla Nave.

Newlyweds with Jordan's family: Ashleigh, Jeff, Luke, Jordan, Darla, Elyse.

Luke and Jordan with Jordan's sisters Ashleigh and Elyse Nave

The bride with her two sisters: Ashleigh Nave, Jordan Nave Zell, Elyse Nave

Proud parents Jeff and Darla Nave with their newlywed daughter Jordan Nave Zell.

The women of the wedding party with Jordan.

Elyse Nave, Sarah Owen, Ashleigh Nave, Kylea Melton, Ava Zell

The women of the wedding party celebrate with their bouquets!

Elyse Nave, Sarah Owen, Ashleigh Nave, Jordan Zell, Kylea Melton, Ava Zell

The wedding party among the rocks and Joshua trees of the wedding location.

Elyse Nave, Sarah Owen, Ashleigh Nave, Kylea Melton, Gaines Owen, Taylor Mapes, Ava Zell, Chris Hohlstein

One more celebration with the bride and groom with their bouquets!

Elyse Nave, Sarah Owen, Ashleigh Nave, Kylea Melton, Gaines Owen, Taylor Mapes, Ava Zell, Chris Hohlstein

What an amazing gathering at this amazing place! Luke and Jordan start their married life together in a memorable way, with the profound best wishes of the whole of their combined families.

Front, L-R: Jeff Nave, Darla Nave, Jordan Zell, Luke Zell, Jenni Zell, Brad Zell, Don Zell, Hali Zell.

Back: Ava Zell, Sarah Owen, Elyse Nave,Ashleigh Nave, Taylor Mapes, Gaines Owen, Kylea Melton, Chris Hohlstein.

The photographer was Dominic Trujillo.

Elyse's graduation from Pearl River High School

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