Family Visit

March 3, 2003

Ashleigh and Jordan enjoyed a game on the computer, so we spent a good bit of time playing it. They certainly are comfortable with using the mouse and thinking about things on the computer screen.

Mark really seemed to enjoy the girls, and it certainly seemed mutual. If he was not around, they were asking "Where's Mark?"

We had saved our change in a bank to give to Ashleigh and Jordan to buy accessories for their bears. Brenda and Darla helped them count out the change - "one quarter for you, and then one for Ashleigh ..."

After the episode of "moneychanging", Ashleigh gets her bear in preparation for going to the bear store.

With their bears at the door, Ashleigh and Jordan are ready for the trip with Darla and Brenda to the mall and the bear store.

Overall, the trip to the "Build-a-bear Workshop" was a happy experience, but at this particular moment it appears to be about 2/3 happy as Jordon puts on a full "attitude*" face, above. Moments later she was happy again, as shown at right.

*Upon careful research, we find that she may have gotten that expression from her great-grandmother Naomi, although it was not common with either.

With all the girls off to the mall, all the guys took off for the driving range - even Rod who has never played a game of golf in his life. But with careful coaching from Marty, he got a couple of balls out to a respectable distance of about 225 yards.

March 4, 2003

With a small bird feeder attached to the glass of the window, we have attracted a large variety of birds. The titmouse is the most frequent visitor.

Mark and Marty came to join us all for breakfast and we had a good visit on the last morning of our time together for this trip. Ashleigh and Jordan enjoyed the birds, the flowers, the dogs, and everything it seemed. And we all enjoyed their enthusiasm and joy of life.

Tuesday morning, bright and fair

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