Naomi Nave in Kentucky


Naomi with infant Wanda behind a car of the period. In Owensboro, Kentucky.

The person on the left has not been identified. Next are Frank and Mae and Grandmother Susie E. Owsley. Behind the car is Naomi with infant Wanda, we think. Edgar is in front of Grandmother. Wanda was born on October 4, 1932, so she is quite young if this is 1932. Edgar appears to be eight or nine, which makes him too old for this to be Dorothy. At front left is Uncle Herbert Speer.

Looks like Edgar did quite well at fishing on this outing.

Grandmother Susie E. Owsley joins Edgar and R. O. with flags.

Presuming that the infant is Wanda places this photo in 1932.

Guessing age 9 puts this one also in 1932.

Taking the age of Dorothy to be 3 would make Edgar 9 and places this photo in 1932.


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