The Nave family is partly in Owensboro and partly in Arkansas.

Owsley family in Owensboro on a picnic.

August: Edgar came home to Owensboro.

September: Two important letters were exchanged that helped set the stage for Naomi Nave to make the move to Arkansas. The first was from Naomi to Pearl Bunch to describe Edgar's homecoming. The second was from Pearl to Naomi to assure her that she and Leland would be supportive of her and the family if she chose to make the move to Arkansas to join Carl. These original pencil hand-written letters are preserved in the Nave History file.

September: Carl made a visit to Owensboro from Arkansas.

October 5: Will and Susie divided the property.

October 6: Will moved to the shop.

December 29: Carl made visit to Owensboro.


Nave History
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