To Myrtle Beach with the GSU Baptist Student Union
September 8-9, 1972
The BSU pre-school retreat was to be held at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Rod is Faculty Advisor for the BSU, so he and Brenda and the boys went along. This was the first time either of the boys had been to the beach, so it was quite a new experience for them.
Jeff plunged right in and had a great time with the sand and surf. |
Mark enjoyed the pool. The shallow pool was just about right for him, so he spent a lot of time there.
We took these family shots in our yard next to the woods shortly after returning from the Myrte Beach trip.
This rock at the edge of the woods turned out to be a pretty good photo setting. |
These woods would become a playground for Jeff and Mark for the next several years.
In October we traveled to North Georgia for a Sunday School class retreat at the cottage of the Brundages on Lake Burton. We stopped off by this covered bridge on the way up.
Pam Brundage serves lunch at their cottage. Brenda, Tom Durrett and Earl and Evelyn Vick join in.
1972 |