AACC National Meeting in New Orleans
September 14-16, 1995
 | Brenda was National President of AACC this year, and this was her big meeting of the year.
"Orchestrating the Continuum of Care"
September 14Brenda presides at the opening of the 1995 Annual Conference of the American Association for Continuity of Care. The boa was presented to her by the Board members for the opening ceremony in the exhibit hall. |
 | Brenda poses with Bob McDonough for a theme picture, playing on the theme "Orchestrating the Continuum of Care".
Bob McDonough presents to Brenda for AACC the proclamation by the 104th U.S. Congress declaring Continuity of Care Week. Bob acted as the legislative liason for AACC. |
 | Brenda with Apria representatives at their exhibit at the New Orleans meeting. |
Brenda with Past Presidents Agnes McBroom (California) and Sarah Craig (Pennsylvania) at the AACC exhibit. |
Brenda presides at the business meeting luncheon. At the head table with her are Secretary Brook Self, President-elect Barbara Lutz, Past-President Lois Pabst, and Treasurer Darlene Saler.
September 16Near the end of the Conference, Brenda presents the gavel to Barbara Lutz, 1996 National President. At right, Barbara presents a gift of appreciation to Brenda as outgoing President. |
 | Brenda with incoming President Barbara Lutz and Past President Lois Pabst. |
Brenda dons an Atlanta T-shirt at the closing session to invite people to Atlanta for the 1996 Annual Conference. Following is the Access publication that reviews the 1995 Conference. |
 |  Brenda has the opportunity of breakfast with Lois Pabst prior to departure from New Orleans and the 1995 Conference. |
One of the privileges/duties of being National President of the American Association for Continuity of Care for 1995 was the writing of the review of the meeting for the AACC publication, the ACCESS.
1995 |