Also called Celestine
 | SrSO4These samples of celestite are on display at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Celestite is sulfate of strontium, SrSO4. The size of the sample is about 10-12 cm high and it is from Madagascar. The gem is 16.8 carats and is shown at the same scale.
This sample is described as celestite with sulfur. It is about 14 cm across and is from Agrigento Sicillia, Italy. |
 | This sample of celestite is is about 30 cm across and is from Clay Center, Ohio. It is described as celestite with calcite.
This sample is described as celestite with aragonite. It is about 30 cm across and is from Agrigento Sicillia, Italy. |
The sample of celestite at right is about 10 cm wide and is from Mitchell, Indiana.
 This celestite sample is about 15 cm across and is from Detroit, Michigan. |
 | This sample of celestite is is about 30 cm wide and is from Sakoany mine, Majunga, Madagascar.
Mindat: Celestite
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