| NaCa4(Si27Al9) O72.30H2O
This sample of stilbite is displayed in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Stilbite is a silicate mineral of sodium, calcium and aluminum. It has the composition NaCa4(Si27Al9)O72.30H2O. This sample is about 18 cm wide and is from Nasik, Maharashtra, India.  The smaller sample is at the same scale.
These stilbite samples are from the Nasik district, Maharashtra, India. This sample is about 20 cm wide, and these two samples are to the same scale.
These stilbite samples are from Prospect Park, New Jersey. This sample is described as stilbite with laumontite and calcite. This sample is about 10 cm wide, and these two samples are to the same scale.
This stilbite sample is about 11x17 cm and is from Khadakvasla, Maharashtra, India.
Mindat: Stilbite
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