Chapter 23: Electric Fields

Describe the force between two charges which is the source of all electric phenomena.

How do you calculate the force between two charges?

What do you mean by a conductor? an insulator? What types of materials are conductors?

What is the definition of electric field?

Describe the electric field of a point charge. How can it be calculated?

How do you calculate the field from two or more point charges. How do you calculated the force on a charge from that field?

What is an electric dipole? Describe the electric field of a dipole.

How do you calculate the electric field of a line charge? a uniformly charged disc?

*Coulomb's law

*Electric force example

*Coulomb calculation

*Inverse square law

*Conductors and insulators

*Electric field

*Electric field of point charge

*Multiple point charges

*Electric dipole

*Field of line charge

*Field of disc charge

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