Chapter 40:Quantum Physics
Chapter 41: Quantum Mechanics

Is light composed of particles or waves?

Describe the photoelectric effect. How does it indicate that light is composed of particles?

What aspects of the photoelectric effect experiment were surprising to the classical physicists of the day?

What is "blackbody radiation"? How does the "particle" view of light help explain it?

The failure of classical physics to explain blackbody radiation is called the "ultraviolet catastrophe". Explain the implications of this phrase.

What is a quantum of light called and what is the relationship which characterizes it?

How do you determine the temperature of a hot object using the blackbody radiation curve?

If light exhibits both particle and wave behavior, what about electrons - do they show a dual nature as well?

If an electron acts like a wave, what is the wave, i.e., what is waving?

What is meant by the "wavefunction" for a particle?

What can be learned from the wavefunction?

What is the significance of the wavelength of the wave associated with an electron?

What are the implications of the uncertainty principle for the observation of electron position and momentum?

Can an electron exist inside a nucleus? The Schrodinger equation for a particle in a box gives some insight.

*Wave-particle duality

*Photoelectric effect

*Blackbody radiation

*Rayleigh-Jeans law

*Failures of classical physics

*Quantized energies

*Wien displacement law

*Red hot object

*Star color

*IRAS satellite

*3K background radiation

*Electron waves

*Davisson-Germer experiment

*Wave examples


*Schrodinger equation

*DeBroglie wavelength

*Baseball wavelength

*Uncertainty principle

*Wave packet

*Particle confinement

*Range of forces

*Particle in a box

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