Awana at Mableton First Baptist

January 12, 2022

Elaine Ridgway led the learning session for the younger Sparks group of Awanas. She had told the story of Jericho and had now given each child a tiny trumpet and was instructing them about the plan to march around the walls of Jericho.

Elaine leads as the march around the walls of Jericho, represented by the row of chairs.

On the 7th day they marched around the walls 7 times and blew their trumpets. They are shown celebrating because the walls have fallen down!

January 19

Becky Ridgway presents the winners prize for the counting puzzle to Lionel. He has been our most consistent winner!

Four of the T&T group and two of the Sparks group earned awards this week.

January 26

This week's awards go to one boy from Sparks and two girls from T&T.

Tiny snow event
February Awana Awards

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