This was a year marked by both joys and sadnesses. Jeff graduated from Pebblebrook High School in June and made plans to enter Florida State University in Tallahassee. Also in June, Rod's Mother suffered a major stroke and died two days later on June 15. She had been in good health up to that point and was packing her bags for a trip to visit Orvetta in Owensboro, Kentucky. It turned out she didn't need the baggage for the trip she was taking. The family gathered and sang Amazing Grace at her graveside, and with our grief we could celebrate the good life she had led for 84 years.

We made a family trip to Bent Tree in January which involved the carpeting process.

Rod and Brenda ready for Georgia Baptist gala early in February.

Family portrait Rod, Brenda and Mark.

We began the lower deck construction at Bent Tree in March.

In April Sherry gave Mark a birthday trip to join her on a ski trip to Reno.

Rod was interviewed on Atlanta's Channel 5 News after the Chernobyl accident on April 26, 1986.

Spring Women's retreat at Bent Tree.

We celebrated Jeff's Graduation from Pebblebrook High School on June 1.

Rod with brothers and sisters for the celebration of their Mother's life. June 17.

Rod continues to teach the Conceptual Physics course during the summer to education majors.

Sherry took Mark and Jeff to Martinique for a dive trip.

In August we had a birthday celebration with Orvetta

Mableton First Baptist had Homecoming on September 7 with Governor Joe Frank Harris as speaker.

The women had a retreat with Pearl DuVall at Bent Tree in the fall.

Our family at Thanksgiving gathering

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