William Dembski
 | William Albert Dembski (born July 18, 1960) is an American mathematician, philosopher and theologian. He is a prominent proponent of intelligent design, specifically the concept of specified complexity, and was a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture. In 2012, he taught as the Phillip E. Johnson Research Professor of Science and Culture at the Southern Evangelical Seminary in Matthews, North Carolina near Charlotte.
Dembski has written books about intelligent design, including The Design Inference (1998), Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology (1999), The Design Revolution (2004), The End of Christianity (2009), and Intelligent Design Uncensored (2010).
Intelligent Design, 1999.
"The following problems have proven utterly intractable not only for the mutation-selection mechanism but also for any other undirected natural processes proposed to date: the origin of life, the origin of the genetic code, the origin of multicellular life, the origin of sexuality, the scarcity of transitional forms in the fossil record, the biological big bang that occurred in the Cambrian era, the development of complex organ systems, and the development of irreducibly complex molecular machines." p29.
Citations and comments about Dembski:
Cited by Thomas Woodward on p24, 25-27 (explanatory filter), p, of Doubts About Darwin
Reasonable faith |