Visiting Mark and Cindi in Montgomery
After our Christmas visit with Jeff and family, we left on Friday to drive to Montgomery to visit with Mark and Cindi. They are there working on the sets for the movie The Big Fish, a major movie project.
We took them out to dinner at the Saratoga Steak House to celebrate Cindi's Christmas present, a beautiful engagement ring! So it was a time to rejoice and talk with them.
We all went back to our motel room to give them their gifts from Jeff and Darla and to visit further.
| We got up for an 8am meeting with Mark and Cindi out at the warehouse in Montgomery where they were constructing sets for shooting and prefab structures to send out to other locations. Mark is doing carpentry and building a lot of building fronts, gable ends, and other molding- and miter-intensive jobs in the warehouse.
Cindi is in the paint division. She has done a lot of samples like the one she is holding, which shows three different "ages". The movie covers a long time frame and the structures may be shot under conditions which represent times a generation apart. So the science of "aging" is a major part of the movie business.
| Cindi took us on a major walking tour of the huge two-warehouse construction area. This is the entrance to one of the sets. The sets here duplicate a house in Wetumpka, providing a way to shoot interior shots of the house. Mark had worked on the construction of the house in the historic district of Wetumpka. We drove out there and had a look at the house after having walked through its interior, fifteen or so miles away.
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