Christmas to the Cross Race

December 6, 2003

George Flury talks with Pastor Tim about last minute details of the Christmas to the Cross Race. Kate Flury and Tammy Shaffer help with registration information.

Tiffany Callihan and Peggy Jo Boyles work with registration. Michael Callihan with father Ron, who along with another fireman rode bicycles over the course as a safety patrol.

RA Leader Johnny Huffman with boys Andrew Brice, Brandon Locklear, Mitchell Brice. We scheduled the RA breakfast for this month so that the boys might help with the race.

The race started in the church parking lot, and the leaders round the corner and past the church on Avery Street.

Turning down Church Street in front of the church, the racers head south toware the railroad.

A pack of about a hundred runners fill Church Street and run past the point where they will finish the race.

Stan Johnson and some of the RAs are stationed on the corner by the church.

The lead runner comes by in front of the church in competitive cross-country time, with noone else in sight. Soon part of the pack comes over the hill by Mableton Elementary School.

The men's and women's winners approach the finish line. The winning time was just over 17 minutes for the 5K run.

Tommy Abston, above left, and Joe Burkhardt above right were two FBC church members who were in the race.

Tommy and Joe finish the race in fine style.

Lynn Guthrie was another FBC member in the race.

Awards for the winners were handed out in the church fellowship hall. The first awards were to the overall men's and women's winners.

Pastor Tim with the overall winners above left, and the senior winners above right.

Hannah Willis received an award for her age bracket, and poses with Pastor Tim for a congratulatory photo.

Tiffany Callihan was also a winner in her category. Other church members receiving awards were Lynn Guthrie, Beth Brice, Joseph York, and David Collins.

We staged a hot-wheels race for the RAs after the road race.

The boys were excited about the hot wheels track, constructed by Mark Nave. It even attracted a few girls, and several adults were hanging around as well. It was a good morning of fellowhip and fun.

Dressed up after "Church Street Christmas"

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