Sunday School Social at South Cobb Diner
July 28, 2019
Thanks to Cheryl and Mike Anthony for their creativity in setting up a Sunday School class social at South Cobb Diner and decorating it to celebrate Rod's 80th birthday. Thanks to Brenda Speight for contacting many former members of the class to invite them. It was a wonderful occasion and much appreciated by Rod and Brenda.
 | Front: Stella David, Barry Krebs. Mid: Cheryl Anthony, Laura Ervin, Kim Krebs. Back: Greg Ervin, John Ford, Robin Ford, Brenda Speight. |
Front: Betsy Weaver. Mid: Keith Weaver, Jeff White. Back: Barry Long, Rod Nave, Brenda Nave, Roger Speight. | |
 | Front: Betsy Weaver, Kim White. Mid: Joe Baker. Back: Roger Speight, Roger Frater, Jesslyn Frater. |
Front left: Vicki Baker, From left: Mike Anthony, Chris Ayers, Karla Ayers, Kelley Brandon, Doug Brandon. | |
 | The special room at South Cobb Diner was certainly special to us this Sunday afternoon. Cheryl and Mike had put in an amazing amount of creative efffort to arrange the event and make it special. It was a delight to have fellowship with both present and past members of the Open Door Class.  Cheryl and Mike had done some creative folding of the science part of an old encyclopedia to make a holder for birthday cards for this celebration. |
Can you believe this? They made up bottles for the tables with physics equations and physics problems on them! They said Rod was supposed to explain them all to the people at the tables, but the celebration of conversations was so active that we never got around to that! Whew! We got to avoid that physics lecture!
On the slight chance that you might be interested, the large bottle placed on the table with Rod and Brenda had the famous Einstein equation, E=mc2, the equation E = hf for the emitted light which forms the spectral fingerprint of atoms, and the speculative Drake equation for those who are looking for other intelligent life in the universe. | |
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Thanks to Barry Long for the photography of the occasion. And thank the Lord for this blessing of fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We look forward to the next time we can have fellowship together.
2019 |