Working at Radio Road

May 15, 2021

We went over to visit with Jeff and Darla at the large house which they have purchased. We refer to it as the "Radio Road property" since it has a large house that was used for radio and telegraph communication, notably to shipping in the Caribbean and beyond. Much outside work is needed, and Jeff and Jeff Moyle have partnered in buying a Kubota tractor to help with those tasks.

Jeff Moyle was very much engaged in helping with the cleaning and preparation of the grounds around the house. Jeff's house is on the corner diagonally across this piece of land, which is almost 20 acres. He has a small Kubota, so already has good tractor experience. The land is flat, and at this stage, quite wet because the drainage of the water from it has not been carefully maintained. Jeff is carrying sand to this area and then smoothing it backwards with the bucket of the Kubota.

The large tank that Jeff is passing is the diesel fuel for the large marine three-phase generator which is in the generator room of the house. With the task of radio communications to the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean and beyond, this radio station needed to be protected against power outages. The big yellow generator could be cranked up to supply power to the house and power for the transmission of radio signals over long distances. At top right you can see a high utility pole which connects to two sides of a large triangular antenna for radio broadcasts.

Besides the useful front bucket, they also had a front-mounting grappler for picking up brush and debris.

The property had been vacant since 2014, so there was a large amount of brush that needed to be removed to clear the property around the house. The grappler worked well to pick up piles of brush and take it to a burn pile.

Note that above the tractor you can see two more large towers with other antennae for the transmission of radio signals.

The Kubota could clear the underbrush into piles and then use the grappler to carry it off. Jeff and Darla and a number of young people from their church had helped with cleanup inside the house and carrying the trash to a dumpster.

Both Jeffs got a good bit of practice grabbing brush and other debris for cleanup of the grounds. Note that the antennas that were used in the original function of this building are very large, designed for long-distance radio communication.

Birthday celebration with Jeff
Jeff works on lights at Radio Road

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