Glacier National Park
August 14, 1993
We left early to enter Glacier National Park. The first stop was Lake McDonald.
Glacier is a favorite place of ours since our first visit here on the 1982 trip. We love the birch trees, and we remembered these from our last trip.
The most rapidly spreading story
about the trip at home was about
Rod's mishap at McDonald Creek.
After taking the picture below, he
stuck his wideangle lens in its
case in his jacket pocket. It fell
out and rolled down three or four
stairsteps of rock and fell in the
creek and started floating down
toward a small rapid. Rod
scrambled around to the water
and got a stick to fish it out, but
the rock he was standing on was
extremely slippery and he went
backward into the creek up to
his neck. He did retrieve the lens
in its case.
This is the view from inside the first tunnel on the lower side of The Loop, Going-to-the-Sun Road. You could see a great expanse of unspoiled forest.
From the upper part of The Loop you can see down McDonald Creek and watch cars coming up the way we came. It is the approach road to The Loop.
The road is cut into the steep side of the mountain. Looking down definitely gives you a feeling of vertigo. At points there is a 2000 foot drop. This area of the road is called the Garden Wall. You can still see the approach road along McDonald Creek from here.
1993 |