Conceptual Physics I, Day 1

What quantities must you measure to describe completely the motion of a ball tossed into the air?

What units are used to specify these quantities?

What are the three most commonly used systems of units?

What are the three fundamental mechanical quantities which form the basis for all mechanical measurement?

What are the prefixes used with powers of ten to denote 1000x and 1/1000?

A ball is thrown upward with a velocity of 30 m/s. Find its height and velocity after 1 second. Find its maximum height. Find its total time of flight when it reaches its original height.

Will a heavy object fall faster than a light object?

Assuming constant acceleration, show a complete set of motion equations which will describe any motion meeting this condition.

If you know the acceleration of an object, how do you find its speed and distance traveled at any given time? (Assume straight-line motion, constant acceleration.)

*Description of motion

*Physical units

*Unit systems

*Mechanical quantities

*Powers of ten

*Motion equations

*Motion calculation

*Solving equations

*Motion explorer

*Vertical trajectory

*Free fall

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Conceptual Physics I, Day 2

What is the role of "conservation laws" in physics?

What does it mean to say a quantity is "conserved"?

If you fire a bullet horizontally and drop another simultaneously, which will hit the ground first?

What causes motion?

What is the difference between mass and weight?

Is an astronaut really weightless?

Describe the pairs of forces which illustrate Newton's third law when one block sits on top of another.

Describe static and kinetic friction and their applications.

Should you lock your wheels in a panic stop or back off the brake a bit to keep your wheels from locking?

Do four-wheel drive vehicles stop quicker?

Given F=ma, calculate the motion of an object.

*Conservation laws

*Conservation of momentum

*Freely falling object
*Horizontal launch
*Ballistic trajectory
*Baseball trajectory
*Newton's 1st Law
*Newton's 2nd Law
*Newton's 3rd Law
*Weight calculation
*Elevator problem
*Blocks on scale
*Rolling friction
*Auto stopping distance
*Standard friction model
*Friction and contact area
*Newton's laws
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Conceptual Physics I, Day 3

What is momentum?

Under what conditions does "conservation of momentum" apply?

What is impulse? How is it related to Newton's second law?

For a Mack truck and a Honda Civic head-on collision, compare the force, impulse, change in momentum, time of collision, and acceleration for the two vehicles.

How does the concept of "impulse" show that the impact force will be less for a padded dashboard?

Distinguish between elastic and inelastic collisions.

What is work? What is energy? What is power?

A small ball dropped on top of a large ball will rebound to an amazing height. Why is that?

What is the relationship of work to energy?

What are kinetic energy and potential energy?


*Conservation of momentum


*Two truck example

*Elastic collisions

*Inelastic collisions

*Airplane and duck

*Duck at angle




*Double ball drop

*Slingshot orbit

*Work- energy principle

*Kinetic energy

*Potential energy

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