Jordan in Quito Ecuador
 | June 9. On the day that Brenda, Rod and Chris returned from Spain, Jeff and Elyse were with Jordan at the airport as she prepared to take off for Quito, Ecuador for her mission work for the summer. |
June 9, 2017
 | Jordan was to stay at the Alliance School, so this view from the Alliance rooftop was very familiar to me because we had our group meetings there in 2015. |
The spider was one that they ran across - looked like and upside down black widow.
June 10, 2017
Jackson, Jordan and Joann at Piccoli, the church they went to during the first week. It is part of Quito, but a little off the mountain according to Jordan. The got to see a rainbow over the city there. |  |
 | Some of the children they worked with at Piccoli. This was Jordan's second day in Quito. |
Jordan with JD, one of the translators. With the sun at her back, Jordan seems glad to be there. |  |
June 11, 2017
 Jordan met Cassie on her first trip to church for this trip to Quito. They were dressed alike and took a picture - and then they became fast friends for the summer. Jordan also made friends quickly with this little girl at the church. This church at Piccoli was the first church at which she worked. She enjoyed working with the children there. |  |
 | This is a view from the road near the Piccoli church. Their main strategy there was to witness to the neighborhood, and that involved interacting with the children there. |
June 12, 2017
They returned to the Piccoli church area to interact with the children and with the people in the neighborhood.
Below, Joann, Jackson and Jordan interact with the kids. Jordan and the others had been out in the neighborhood witnessing when it started a downpour of rain. Jordan ran on the street in the pouring rain with this boy on her shoulders, jumping over things on the street. |  |
 | Jordan gets to know a couple of the girls. |
June 13, 2017
 | With the working groups that came in for a week they would have a tour day, so the interns got to participate in those. This is on their trip to the hill called Panecilla where the great statue of Mary was built. Panecilla means "small bread" or roll, and the hill was thought to be shaped like a panecilla.  |
Jordan waxed eloquent about how good the empanadas from panecilla were. "Those are the best empanada in the whole world, and you need to put that on your website." Note that "pan" or bread appears in both words.
This was Jordan's first time to be at the Equator during this trip. This is a group of the interns. They had more interns coming in later, but this was the group at this time. |  |
 | Jordan at the Mitad del Mundo.  Jordan and Brian at the Equator marker. |
Jordan sitting on the Equator line in Quito, Ecuador.
 | After the day's exploration, they went to the same house for dinner to which we went in 2015.  Jordan confirmed that the lady of the house did again serve roasted guinea pig, but that she didn't eat any to make sure that the members of this week's visiting team got some. |
June 14, 2017
This sculpture was in La Carolina park, but I didn't see it when I was there. Jordan, Kayleigh Baugh, ?, Cassie occupy parts of the sculpture. |  |
 | Then the foursome occupied themselves with being monkeys. |
June 15-16, 2017
Working with the different mission groups meant that the interns spent a lot of time in Parque La Carolina in central Quito. One of the benefits of that was cotton candy. Jordan said that it cost only a dollar and was really good!
June 17, 2017
They were on their way to Bella Vista for the children's ministry and had to ride in the back of the truck. |  |
June 19, 2017
 | These are the entries in the cake or cupcake war. There were three teams of two girls each. The cake was the entry of the team of Jordan and Cassie. The war was made more challenging by the fact that they had no standard containers or muffin tins available. The boys judged. |
This was their first time to hike in the Teleferico area on the slopes of Pichincha. They were trying to go up the mountain, but got on a trail that took them down instead.
Even there, they had dramatic views of the city of Quito. |  |
They did manage to find their way upward to some peaks where they got a wide view of the city.
A panoramic image from one of the viewpoints they found.
 The dramatic city of Quito in the clouds at 9300ft!
June 20, 2017
 | They went to the Indian market for shopping and Jordan and Cassie posed with this armored character. |
June 21, 2017
This location was called Otovalo and was associated with the Imbabura volcano. This was about three hours away from Quito, and they went on a tour there including this lake voyage. |  |
 | Cassie and Jordan in the center of this foursome. Maybe that's part of the volcano Imbabura behind them. There was an island in the lake. They were taken on a tour and told all about the volcano. Then they went to the market.
It was very cold there. The water was cold and clear, and at places it was bubbling because of the volcano. |
A trio in the cold air. Jordan said that there was a race each year where they start at the dock and swim all the way around the island in the cold water. |  |
June 26, 2017
This was the place they had decorated so nicely for the wedding ceremonies, but in between times they had to catch chickens! Lots of different kinds of experiences are encountered in these mission trips! In the background are some of the surfaces they had painted and cleaned nicely for the weddings. Maybe that's why they didn't want chickens running around there.  |  |
June 27, 2017
 | Jordan practices in the little bungalow on the roof of the Academy. She and Cassie actually slept there, Jordan on a bunk and Cassie on the couch below. At least sleeping on the roof made it convenient for seeing the sunrise. |
July 3, 2017
 | On this day the team worked at a church in the old town of Quito close to the Basilica. They had a clear view of El Panecillo, the hill with the large statue of Mary. Panecillo means small bread - the hill is shaped like a small bread roll. It was a one room church with windows all around so they could see in all directions. They were helping this church to get started. |
Jordan is fourth from left, and I recognized the girls on each side of her from our 2015 trip. Kayleigh Baughn, third from left was on our team in 2015 and Jessica, fifth from left was also there. Second from left is Cassie, Brian's little sister, who at 16 was the youngest of the interns. The missionary interns helped with the teams that came in for one-week mission trips. |  |
 | Another view of the dense development of this part of Quito. The clothes hanging to dry are indicative of living quarters, but there are many kinds of buildings in the same area. |
The density of the housing sprawled over the peaks of this 9300ft altitude area is amazing. Toward La Panecilla you can see several church structures in this ancient area of Catholic practice. |  |
 | Their stay at this church gave them a dramatic night view of the city of Quito and the Basilica. |
July 5, 2017
This was an Intern Bible study. Brian at left, and I recognized T J Crutchfield next to him who was on our team in 2015. Jordan at extreme right. The Bible study was at a fancy coffee shop close to the Academy. |  |
 | With a time of Bible study and prayer, they were strengthened and encouraged to do the variety of tasks they were there to do. After the study they were off to La Carolina park again. |
July 6, 2017
 | Jordan playing her guitar on the wing of the airplane in Parque de Carolina. |
Jordan playing her guitar on the wing of the airplane in Parque de Carolina. Below she is joined on the wing by Cassie, who played the ukelele with her a lot during their stay. |  |
July 7, 2017
 | On this day they went back to an area where Jordan had served last summer and she is holding Sarai with whom she became close friends last summer. The boy is Sarai's little brother. |
July 8, 2017
The next day Jordan was back in the same neighborhood and interacted with Sarai with her puppy, and with other kids in the neighborhood. The area is called Bella Vista and they have a children's ministry there. They had been playing soccer with the children in the road.
July 9, 2017
 |  Jordan was staying at the Alliance School again, the place where we stayed in 2015 and where I believe she stayed last year. This year, I believe she is sleeping in the little structure on the roof. At least that puts her close to the place where she practices her guitar. | |
She spent some time at Parque La Carolina, from which you get an intriguing view of the snow-capped volcanic mountain Cotopaxi. Cotopaxi has an altitude of 19,347 feet and last erupted in August of 2015. It is about 50km south of Quito.
July 11, 2017
They had worked all week with a group at Bella Vista and this was "tour day" for that group. They went to Panecilla to see the big statue of Mary where she is chaining the "Beast" which is depicted as a serpent. The formal Spanish name is "El Panecillo y La Virgin del Apocalipsis". Then they went to the Mitad del Mundo for a visit to the Equator and Jordan is attacked by a serpent in their museum.
Jordan and Andres on the equator, holding up four fingers because each of them had been to the equator four times.
 | Jordan reacting to having balanced an egg on its end for the first time. She is exploring the Mitad del Mundo area with JD and Andres, two of the translators.  |
July 14, 2017
Jordan said this was the only picture that shows all the interns. At back right is Kayleigh Baugh who was on our 2015 team. On the floor are Jordan, Cassie and Brian. The occasion was their celebration of Christmas in July. They had a little Christmas Tree and drew names to get presents for each other.
July 16, 2017
 | Jordan describes this as being in Old Town, near the Basilica. |
Posing like statues. |  |
 | Jordan posing with the police. |
 | They found a huge empanada!
and made short work of it.
Now you see it, now you don't! Giant empanada.
Hopefully they shared some of it with the others.  |
July 17, 2017
 | Jordan and Cassie praying with Joy, one of the interns on her day of departure from the Intern group. The interns had a variety of arrival and departure times through the summer. |
July 19, 2017
 | July 19. Jordan and a friend hike across a wooden-plank swinging bridge over a stream. The stream is pretty strong, so may be quite a bit down the mountain from Quito. My understanding is that this is in Mindo, which Ashleigh visited last year, but in a different location. |
Jordan in a pool below a waterfall. Looks like a jungle setting. |  |
A jungle experience in Ecuador for Jordan.  |  |
July 21, 2017
 | Jordan helped with a music camp that they held at the Alliance Academy. Young people came in from all over, and they did an orchestra. Jordan had worked with these four boys the previous week in a sports camp and then worked with them again in this music camp. As students in the Academy they were supposed to know English, but didn't always. The boy second from left was the oldest and spoke both languages very well, so when Jordan told them something in English, he would repeat it to the others in Spanish. He did that without being directed to, so Jordan complimented him "You'll be a translator one day." |
They also spent some time in La Carolina park this day. This cross was beside the 800 meter track in the park. I didn't see it when I was there because I never went to that part of the park. |  |
July 22, 2017
Jordan, Cassie and ? had the opportunity to go to an ice skating rink in Quito. The ice skating rink was in the big mall close to La Carolina. |  |
July 25, 2017
 | View of Quito from Panecillo. The Basilica of the National Vow is in the center of the view in the distance. One of the stories you hear is that Mary's statue has a view in the front window of the Basilica, and it was designed so that this line of sight goes through a rear window that is lower, and that the Pope said mass in 2015 in a plaza that is on that direct line of sight. |  |
 | The view from Panecillo to the dense housing that crawls up the hills to the left of the view from Panecillo. |
They proceeded from El Panecillo to the Equator. Jordan holds up five fingers to signify that this was her fifth time to stand on the equator at this location.
We talked about that being a great privilege at her age to have been to the Equator five times! |  |
July 26, 2017
A visit to the Basilica of the National Vow (Basílica del Voto Nacional) puts Jordan at the base of a magnificent stained glass window about forty feet in diameter! The Basilica is a Roman Catholic church located in the historic center of Quito, Ecuador. It is the largest neo-Gothic basilica in the Americas. The church was commissioned in 1883, the first stone laid in 1892. It was finally consecrated in1988. We got good views of the outside of the Basilica in 2015.
 | The Basilica |
You could climb up to the heights of the structure. Jordan at a rail with a view of part of the old central part of Quito. |  |
 | The tower stands high above the dense housing of Quito. |
This viewpoint gave a view of Panecillo and the Virgin statue in the distance as well as a tower of the Basilica. |  |
 | Jordan with a more direct view of Panecillo and the Virgin statue. Looking through the openings in the wall gives an idea of how high she is in the structure. |
A high view of the remarkable old city of Quito. A look through the rail shows you how high she is. |  |
July 27, 2017
Jordan, Cassie, and Jessica had the opportunity to hike up high on the volcanic mountain Pinchincha and got this amazing view of the city of Quito below. This was the second time they had climbed on this mountain. On the way, they rode the cable lift to the area called Teleferico and then hiked upward from there. It was a two to three hour hike.
 | The above view zooms in a little to show the density of housing in south Quito. Jordan said that when she saw this sign, she thought about the fact that we always took pictures by the signs at Bent Tree. They were at cloud level, hiking up on the side of Pinchincha at near 14,000 feet.  |
A message to Mom from over two and a half miles in altitude up in the Andes Mountains. 14,000 ft is about the height of Pikes Peak in the U.S. |  |
Cassie, Jordan, and Jessica at the peak overlooking the amazing city of Quito, Ecuador. Quito itself is around 9300ft, and they are over 14,000 ft.
 | They are hiking around in the clouds. Jordan climbs down the mountainside to a couple of ledges, with the clouds below her!  |
A memorable hike to high above the city of Quito! |  |
July 28, 2017
 | They were intent on making the patio at Patricio's house beautiful for the wedding to come, so Patricio, Jordan and Cassie were going around digging up grass where they could to transplant to the wedding location. |
July 30, 2017
 | Jordan and Kayleigh were helping to set up for a wedding. Along with the one wedding, there were eight persons who renewed their vows. Part of the decoration was to transplant grass to the yard! They had been working on it for weeks. They painted the whole area white, laid down bricks |
Jordan and Cassie practice their instruments on the roof of Patricio and Nestor's house with a view of the city of Quito. They had a church at their house. Jordan hadn't told anyone that she played guitar, but Ron found out and got her a guitar. Jordan and Cassie played in the wedding. |  |
August 6, 2017
 | On August 6, Jordan and Cassie made another hike up Pinchincha. This time they dressed more warmly! The mountain that you can see on the left above is one of those with the forest of antennas on top that we could see from the Alliance Academy.
This time they had better weather. They got up about 7am and had breakfast and headed out early for a whole day on the mountain. It was cold, but sunny and they had a great time. |
One of the remarkable sights was that of a rainbow from up on the mountainside! They had gone around the corner from the hike they did before, and found a lot of trails. The boys took the trails, but Jordan and Cassie decided to climb straight up the mountain and found that it was not easier! But they were rewarded with this view.
 | Jordan climbed down the mountainside to this ledge. They could display their altitude, and they got close to 15,000 feet. |
August 8, 2017
On August 8 they got to make another trip to the volcano Pululahua which we had visited in 2015. Jordan's location, shown below, is overlooking the fertile valley left by the volcano at its last major eruption in 467BC. |  |
 | Jordan and Cassie got to do part of their exploration on horseback.  |
August 12, 2017
Jordan and Cassie did one Vacation Bible School all by themselves, which she said was very hard. They had to come up with their own crafts and do everything with the children. This is their display, which translates roughly to "Welcome to Bible Shop". |  |
2017 |