Conceptual Physics I, Day 4

How are rotational speed and acceleration related to the corresponding linear quantities?

What is the angular quantity which is analogous to momentum?

What are the rotational analogs of mass and force?

What is torque? What things do you have to know to calculate it?

Describe how the rotational inertia of an object depends upon its mass and the distribution of that mass.

Does motion in a circle at a constant speed involve an acceleration?

If you double the speed of your car around a curve, by what factor must the force exerted by the road on your car go up?

What is angular momentum? Under what conditions is angular momentum conserved?

If a spinning wheel has angular momentum, what is the direction of that angular momentum?

What is the difference between centrifugal force and centripetal force? Which can you measure with a scale?

Calculate the centripetal force on an object moving in a curved path, given the mass, velocity, and radius of curvature of the path.

*Rotation- linear parallels


*Angular momentum

*Conservation of angular momentum


*Moment of inertia


*Centripetal acceleration

*Centrifugal force

*Coriolis force

*Vector angular velocity

*Rotating stool

*Hoop and cylinder

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Conceptual Physics I, Day 5

Gravity is one of the fundamental forces. How many kinds of fundamental forces are there? How does gravity compare in strength to the others?

How does the gravity force change with distance?

How does the gravitational force of the earth on the moon compare with the moon's gravitational force on the Earth?

How does the gravity force acting toward the center of the Earth cause satellites to go around in orbit?

What causes the tides? Why are there two per day instead of just one?

How do you get a satellite to stay above one point on the earth for communication purposes?

If an object weighs 600 N at the Earth's surface, what will it weigh twice as far out from the Earth's center? ...three times as far out?


*Fundamental forces

*Law of gravitation
*Inverse square law
*Gravity in orbit

*Newton's 3rd Law
*Circular motion
*Circular orbit
*Sun tide
*Jupiter effect
*Black hole
*Syncom satellite
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Conceptual Physics I, Day 6

How does the velocity and period of a satellite change with distance from the Earth?

Describe the orbit of the syncom satellites which are used for communication.

How do you calculate the conditions for torque equilibrium?

*Circular orbit

*Satellite calculation

*Syncom satellite



*Lifting example

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