Mark is born on April 13.

We celebrate Jeff's second birthday on May 8.

How to make a cake with Jeff.

After a month with Mark, we seem to be settling in to the routine of having two boys. May 12.

Bob Reilman took us up in his plane for an aerial view of Atlanta on May 22.

The month of June found the boys growing and found us still adjusting to life with two boys.

July finds us at Skyview Beach for the 4th.

In July the wedding of Shirley Boggs and Ronnie Howard was celebrated.

In August we made a trip to Newport, Arkansas to give Grandmother Nave a look at her latest grandson.

The fall brought a lot more activity from Mark as he gained mobility.

Our family Christmas Eve gathering was at Sherry and Len's .

Christmas day was spent at home. We enjoyed the time with just Jeff and Mark.

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